What you should expect from any POS system provider? Undivded attention to your particular needs. If they carry on for 20 minutes showing you every nuasance of their delivery system and you own a coffee shop then....run...run fast.

During your first conversation with one of our project managers (PM), you will Discuss:

  • What you want from your system.
  • Details to help refine what system hardware and features will be needed.
  • Particular menu requirements
  • The planning a demonstration of a similar database matching your cuisine.

Once a system has been deterimed to meet your needs you will discuss the time frame of installation, training schedule and GOLIVE date.

Ideally, this should be a few weeks in the future. This allows time for making sure your store meets the requirments needed, menu building, and credit card programming.

Around a week prior to installation you will work with your PM on fine tuning your menu. This will also help with training. On installation date you should have your staff divided into classes for training session scheduling.

You are now ready to GOLIVE. This means all orders will now be done solely on the your new system. If GOLIVE support has been requested, a tech from JagPos will be onsite during your first day to help with any final questions.

We also monitor your system remotely. In the event you are in need of assistance, we are capable of veiwing the same screen you are seeing, almost instantly. This is a service we provide that, to our knowledge, is not offered by many of our competitors..

These are the basic's of what to expect from any provider. If you sense they are cutting corners, they probably are. You are buying more than a system, you are buying a reachable and reliable support system.

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